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It is mesmerizing and magical...brimming with possibility and content.

-Moriah Evans, 2024 Fellow in Dance, USA

I was both apprehensive and excited about the month-long residency. My apprehension was soon replaced with deep gratitude. I could feel how the full month afforded me time to try out things, get lost, and rediscover my way, deepening my intellectual and physical search. As a dancer I felt that having a space to move in on a daily basis, weekends included, changed my physicality.

-Sigal Bergman, 2024 Fellow in Dance, Israel

In short, I found my time at Bogliasco not just especially productive but also wonderfully generative and energizing. The living and working conditions could not have been more delightful, the staff were just fantastic, and I was so impressed by the other fellows, who were not only generous and thoughtful – but also fun to spend time with!

-David Levin, 2024 Fellow in Literature Scholarship, USA

I’ve attended writer-only residencies before, but the multi-disciplinary aspect of Bogliasco led to a more enlivening set of conversations that ranged well beyond the usual preoccupations of the writing community. I received some useful feedback on an experimental film project-in-progress shown in my presentation, and also had the delightful experience of performing some poems with piano accompaniment from composer Jeremy Thurlow. I loved getting to know this group of people, getting into deep and detailed conversations about art and life, and visiting some of the local galleries with Ivana’s help. Some of us even managed to go swimming together during the long sunny stretch we enjoyed in January.

-Chris Price, 2024 Fellow in Literature, New Zealand

In addition to the gift of time and space, it was an incredible gift to have all my needs (food, housing, a workspace, and more) seen to. I made good use of my workspace, but most of my writing took place in various places on the grounds: I found several beautiful outdoor workspaces in the gardens, and I also enjoyed working in shared spaces like the upstairs balcony and the patio. I also spent time writing in the village of Bogliasco in the town square and at the beach. Wherever I was, there was beauty around to inspire me.

-Andy Chen, 2024 Fellow in Literature, USA

Needless to say I could not have achieved this body of work if I weren’t stationed at the Bogliasco foundation. The connection that I made with the sea and the scientists of the region could only have been made possible while being at the Foundation. Personally, my stay at Villa dei Pini was most comfortable and luxurious, with staff that were warm and hospitable and food that nourished the soul. I greatly enjoyed my stay and the meaningful interactions with my fellow residents from diverse fields, which was further livened by the presence of Laura Harrison, whom I had the great fortune of getting to know.

-Meera George, 2024 Visual Arts Fellow, Helen Frankenthaler Fellowship, India

When I think about why I was able to be so productive while at the Foundation, all the obvious explanations, many of which I’ve already enumerated, come to mind: every burdensome obligation of ordinary life was removed, leaving me free to focus solely on my work. But this is only a very small part of the whole. Three other factors were equally important: the staff, the other Fellows, and the physical setting of the villa. The staff were exceptional in every way, not just excellent at their jobs but remarkably intuitive. Somehow, they were always warm, welcoming, and immediately available if you needed them, but they also had a magical way of creating mental space and calm.

-Susan Choi, 2024 Fellow in Literature, USA

We all felt so warmly welcomed and appreciated. Everything has been thought of and provided: for the composer, a good piano, plenty of space, a beautiful villa and garden, the opportunity to withdraw, focus and concentrate, the possibility to connect with other artists and experience a different perspective. And with all this, time: a whole month to immerse yourself in your project and just keep working at it as it evolves day after day.

-Jeremy Thurlow, 2024 Fellow in Music, UK

Without hesitation, I can say that this was one of the best professional experiences of my life. The collegial environment was perhaps the most stimulating aspect of the residency. It is clear that Ivana and Valeria take cohort formation and support very seriously. I really enjoyed everyone's company, and found the cross-disciplinary conversations to be incredibly exciting and provocative.

-Joseph Heathcott, 2024 Fellow in Architecture, USA

One of the most valuable aspects of the Bogliasco Fellowship was the sense of community and the opportunity to interact with other Fellows from diverse disciplines and backgrounds. The regular (and wonderful) communal meals and the evening presentations provided structured yet informal settings for us to share our work, exchange ideas, and offer mutual support and feedback. These interactions were profoundly stimulating and often sparked new insights and collaborations. The diversity of the Fellows’ expertise—writers, performing artists, scholars, singers, film makers—created a rich tapestry of knowledge and experience that greatly enriched my residency.

-Hila Amit, 2024 Fellow in Literature, Germany

It is no overstatement to say that I have no idea when we would have been able to accomplish this work at home, where our professional lives and domestic obligations consume so much of our time. …………...Being in such a beautiful Villa with such a generous staff and cohort facilitated a feeling of mental space we have never experienced before, which allowed us to work through a hard but necessary task. That we did this while also coming up with ideas for other projects and collaborations—which emerged around aperitivi and on walks, while sitting in the garden and over coffee in the morning—some of which we know will materialize in the years to come.

-Louis Cherry & Marsha Gordon, 2024 Fellow in Film / Video, USA

While I worked on my upcoming project ‘Safehold’, I was also able to concurrently start a new project, seeding fresh ideas which will be furthered into 2025and beyond. I feel extremely excited about the possibilities of these concepts and ideas. For me, this kind of thinking and imagining comes about so freely at the Bogliasco Study Centre where itis possible to step outside of normal ways of working, and importantly, physicalize movement ideas to really test and develop the choreography in a dedicated dance studio.

-Sandra Parker, 2024 Fellow in Dance, Australia

Having time, an excellent working environment, and beautiful natural surroundings assisted me in further developing my process of handling Walter’s raw translations. I was able to thoroughly review each one line by line, giving dramaturgical notes, and also considering the project as a whole, including how to format the plays consistently and in an up-to-date manner which is in keeping with current professional script publishing standards in America, so that we can complete an American acting edition for professional theatrical use.

-Anne Hamilton, 2024 Fellow in Theater, USA

I have felt at home during my writing process thanks to the effort that the entire Bogliasco staff has put into welcoming and embracing us, and in making us feel in a bright, warm, caring, and respectful space that emphasizes the small and big details of everyday life. I want to highlight the beauty and comfort of the workspaces in the studios as well as in the shared spaces, the brightness of my workspace with its beautiful view of the sea and garden, and the fraternal working atmosphere that is established.

-Elaine Vilar Madruga, 2024 Ludwig Foundation Special Fellow in Literature, Cuba

The staff’s constant availability and willingness to help, not to mention the meals they cooked, made me feel welcomed, well cared for, and supported. The scheduled excursions – to the Wolfsonian Museum, the beach, Just Perruzi, and Genoa, to name a few – provided rewarding and necessary pastimes, exposing us to the local and adjacent cultures and attractions, and a chance to bond with people.

-Walter Byongsok Chon, 2024 Fellow in Theater, South Korea/United States

I would like to extend my thanks to all of you for the generous gift of what has been (really, truly!) one of the most extraordinary opportunities of my life, both in terms of the time and space afforded me to work uninterruptedly, and then just the loveliest, human engagement with my fellow Fellows and your entire residency Staff.

-Terry Kurgan, Spring 2023 Fellow in Literature, USA-South Africa

The conversations with the seven ‘strangers’ – the fellows – was worth vastly more than completing a task in the studio. I grew to appreciate the call for lunch and dinner and the powerful feeling of re-centering with my colleagues. Plus, the food was delicious!

-Martin Poirier, Spring 2023 Van Cleef and Arpels Special Fellow in Landscape Architecture, USA

I cannot praise enough the Foundation for having created and maintained this culture of transdisciplinary dialogue, intellectual openness, and sharing of ideas. I would like to use this opportunity to thank the Foundation not just for making my fellowship such a productive and meaningful stay, but more importantly for the sense of intellectual home that it has built in Bogliasco.

-Costica Bradatan, 2023 Fellow in Philosophy, Romania/USA

My time at the Bogliasco Foundation in January 2023 was nothing short of transformational […] Being in community with artists and scholars was very beneficial for my work and my creativity.

-Allie Martin, Spring 2023 Fellow in Music, USA

I believe much of the Study Center’s magic resulted from the dedication of the staff, both those working primarily in the office as well as those working primarily in or on the grounds of the villa. It was incredibly moving to think that all these people were there to make our creative lives easier, for this singular period of time. It amplified for me the notion that creativity has value in and of itself, separate from its eventual product. By the end, my soul was fatter, my mind was stretched, and my heart was ever-so-slightly broken knowing that this exact experience would be impossible to duplicate. I’m so grateful that Bogliasco exists.

-Melisa Tien, Spring 2023 Fellow in Theater, USA

We shared sources, ideas and suggestions of other artist/scholars whose work might be of use to one another. Every meal was a revelation – not only of the delicious food, but the conversation.

-Cynthia Oliver, 2023 Fellow in Dance, USA

I could not have wished for a more generous, well-appointed and beautifully located gift of ‘a time to write’.

-Karin Altenberg, Fall 2022 Fellow in Literature, Switzerland

I was unprepared for the spacious accommodations with astonishing views of the landscape below or the compelling sounds reverberating from the sea: a steady rhythm of waves pushing, pulling, circulating, and crashing against rock formations with commanding authority. After two years of lockdowns and uncertainty, the sights and sounds surrounding my being were restful and immediately provided tranquility, peace, and happiness; they echoed in my senses and found a way into my heart. […] Working among this bright group of individuals was lively and thought-provoking, and it has enriched my work and my journey as an artist.

-Anita Fields, Fall 2022 Anonymous Was a Woman Special Fellow in Visual Arts, Osage Nation - US.

I have attended many residency programs throughout the US and Europe, and my positive and productive experience at the Bogliasco Foundation was unparalleled.

-Michael Harrison, Fall 2022 Fellow in Music, United States

The villa was truly magical and the views from my room were breath-taking. What a once-in a lifetime experience to reside near the ocean!

-Jan Krawitz, Fall 2022 Fellow in Film, United States

My time at Bogliasco was absolutely idyllic […] has been a feast for the senses to spend a month in this beautiful house and inspiring garden, to make yoga every sunny day looking directly at, and listening to, the sea; to discover every carefully prepared meal; to take the train to discover yet another charming town and beach in the Ligurian area. It has been a dream, and it has given me energy and strength to carry on with my creative career. I am very grateful to the Foundation and its team!

-Sandra Lapage, Fall 2022 Fellow in Visual Arts, Belgium-Brazil

I have been to several residencies, each having their own flavor, but Bogliasco is one of those rare ones in which the outside world truly falls away for a month. The benefit of being in a single place with a single purpose and not having to think about the day-to-day maintenance of life opens the mind to expansive and risky creative thinking.

-Corrie Francis Parks, Fall 2022 Fellow in Film, USA

It was a month to remember [and] has been the most important academic experience in my life.

-Linda M. Perkins, Fall 2022 Fellow in History, USA

Having worked hard and usefully every day from dawn, I felt justified in enjoying that beauty, this gift.

-Robin Robertson, Fall 2022 Fellow in Literature, USA

The biggest takeaway was the magnificence of the sea, rocks, and pines, our daily swims, and memorable excursions to the palazzi of Genova and the Abbey of San Fruttuoso. The memories of those beautiful days sustain me now in the darkest and snowiest time of the year in Chicago.

-Judith T. Zeitlin, Fall 2022 Fellow in Literature-Scholarship, USA

Along with providing the space to shape our day and fly on our own, your invitation carried with it the company of fellow travelers; their presence and parallel play was the best gift, an unexpected partnership alongside of each of our disciplines […] I left the Foundation deeply restored and full of new questions. How perfect is that! […] I want you all to know how rare it is to meet as strangers and engage together, and then to imagine, as Fellows together, a future outcome. Thank you, Bogliasco Foundation. You offered us an experience that became profound. For that, I offer my deepest gratitude.

Bebe Miller, 2022 Virginia Howard Fellow in Dance, United States

I found myself being pulled into the currents of the other fellows, dreaming on how and what we might make together, how our practices might align, or diverge, but always inform the other.

Sebastian Peters-Lazaro, 2022 Fellow in Theater, United States

What a profound joy it was, thanks to the fellow residents, the beauty of this extraordinary villa over the ocean, and the staff and team who run the house and fellowship so exceptionally. […] My time at Bogliasco was truly transformational and inspiring - everything a great residency should be. I felt refreshed, renewed, and re-energized.

Ariane Koek, 2022 Fellow in Visual Arts-Scholarship, United Kingdom

I want to thank and applaud the entire staff of the Bogliasco Foundation for their dedication and perseverance through such challenging times. Continuing to operate under the pandemic took heroic efforts and those of us who were able to be in residence despite it all are eternally grateful.

Eric Chasalow, 2022 Edward T. Cone Bogliasco Special Fellow in Music, United States

That I could reflect on this from my perch in a stunning second floor room overlooking the Ligurian sea – waters that opened onto the same Mediterranean Sea by which many of the migrants now in prison first arrived on Italian shores, allowed me to experience the content of my research viscerally as well as conceptually.

Janice Ross, 2022 Fellow in Dance-Scholarship, United States

The unique opportunity afforded by the Bogliasco Foundation enabled me to complete a project that had seemed out of reach. For that, I am truly grateful to both the Foundation, and to John Burroughs School for its association with Bogliasco.

- Philip Barnes, 2022 John Burroughs Bogliasco Fellow in Classics, United States

The relationship with the other Fellows I met at Villa dei Pini went way beyond my own expectations – we had a great time together. We had work presentations by each one, and that also, I believe, helped in the integration of the group. During the residency, we got closer, and the debates and ideas were fruitful and present in our days. I can say that, more than Fellows, we became a group of friends. I learned from them and from their work, and they certainly contributed to the quality of the experience I had there.

- Ana Calzavara, 2022 Visual Arts Fellow, Brazil

I have done only a few residencies but this was by far the best. […] Also, it was the first residency that I really felt at home, which is a testament to the staff at the study center. Warm and welcoming, I quickly settled in and could get about my work. The Liguria region, the sea, the architecture and colors all had an impact on my work.

- Gary Peterson, 2022 Fellow in Visual Arts, United States

It was a true honor to be among other creatives. Everyone was extremely supportive and kind to me. I learned so much from fellow professional artists.

- Chin Chih Yang, 2022 Fellow in Visual Arts, Taiwan/United States

I cannot emphasize enough how important the sheer beauty, the light, the soundscape (dominated by the sea), the gardens (with all of the fine-tuned loving attention to detail and aesthetics), had on my spirit and on my focus.

- Lila Ellen Gray, 2022 Fellow in Music-Scholarship, United States

My time at Bogliasco inspired new, exciting and unplanned work; no less importantly it inspired me not to work but to read, to ponder, to observe, to breathe, to disconnect, to listen, to dream.

- Evan Fallenberg, 2022 Fellow in Theater, Israel

The experience proved to be a very rewarding one, both personally and professionally, and I feel very privileged to have been able to benefit from it. 

- Ruth Glynn, 2022 Fellow in Literature-Scholarship, Ireland/United Kingdom

The chance to step away from the pressures of everyday life allows the work its natural, uninterrupted momentum. The rhythms of life enabled by the excellent staff here are ideal for the productive flourishing of artists and writers. Frankly, we are indulged, some would say spoiled here; hopefully we will repay this luxury with work that has some positive impact in the world. We are all conscious of our debt and motivated by it.

- Bonnie Costello, 2022 Fellow in Literature, United States

A crucially valuable aspect of the residency is that, on a fundamental level, it confirms that making art matters. Outside of a residency setting, an artist like me may doubt that the work they’re doing matters. The support at Bogliasco meant that I could literally think better because I wasn’t preoccupied by existential doubt!

- Ginger Krebs, 2022 Fellow in Dance, United States 

The residency in Bogliasco was instrumental in allowing me to begin the new year on a productive note. Being in a space in which all my needs were cared for allowed me to entire a creative mental space and spend several hours a day on end in that place. I am grateful for the resources and support granted by the Foundation.

- Amy Quan Barry, 2022 Fellow in Theater, United States

I no doubt echo the experience of most fellows having had the privilege of staying at the Villa dei Pini. I had a fantastic time in Bogliasco during my residency. 

- Michael Wutz, 2022 Fellow in Literature-Scholarship, Germany/United States

My time at the Bogliasco Foundation Study Center met and exceeded my expectations. From the beautiful grounds and facilities to the time devoted to reading and writing, it was an idyllic month. Bogliasco provided the perfect space to work, dig deeper, and vision. […] For a month I felt like I was living in paradise. The views of Liguria were truly breathtaking and the sound and sight of the sea was restorative and healing.

- Ama Codjoe, 2022 Van Cleef and Arpels Bogliasco Special Fellow in Poetry, United States 

There are places that manage to simultaneously create the fullness and emptiness necessary for creation. Villa dei Pini is one of these places. Like the age-old pine trees bent under the weight of the winds and tides, this place is there, stretched towards the horizon, proudly flying the flag of creation.

Fabianny Deschamps, 2021 Fellow in Film/Video, France

A month at the Bogliasco Foundation is a breath of fresh air, a change of point of view, a challenge and a privilege. […] A context of such beauty (Villa dei Pini, the park, the Riviera Ligure and its little towns ... unforgettable for Italians, too) is the perfect space to cultivate ideas present and future, recover pending projects and focus on one’s work.

- Elisa Prete, 2021 Fellow in Visual Arts-Scholarship, Italy 

My stay was an artistically life-changing experience.

- Allison Amend, 2021 Fellow in Literature, United States

This place has a certain kind of magic about it. Maybe it’s the light coming from the garden into the villa high above the cliffs, maybe it’s the long life of all the objects of art, the vases, the paintings, the furniture, the sculptures looking at us wherever we go, maybe it’s the library full of whispering wisdom, maybe its the wide sky and the waves playing with the stones at the shore, maybe it’s the always changing colors of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen, maybe it’s the friendliness and warm caring of all the people working in the residency, maybe it’s the black shadow of the old pines. […].It’s a paradise for an artist, it makes you breathe and feel the beauty of life and art. 

- Lydia Bunk, 2021 Fellow in Theater, Germany 

My goal for the residency was to cultivate joy, and I did just that! By being in the garden, being in the town, being in and by the water, and ultimately being without intention I found many practices to support my being. Ultimately, I learned that joy is about timing and ease.

- J. Bouey, 2021 Van Cleef and Arpels Bogliasco Special Fellow in Dance, United States

In addition to stuffing myself with pansotti in salsa di noci and the obligatory trofe with pesto, I had an astonishingly productive time at Bogliasco. […] I made lifelong friends. It was an honor to be a fellow and I hope that I am able to return soon.

- Christopher Cerrone, 2021 Edward T. Cone Bogliasco Special Fellow in Music, United States

Many thanks to the Bogliasco Foundation for this undeniable highlight for the exact right time in my life. It was invaluable to feel the support of being an artist, especially after a lifetime in the field. It fueled hope and the passion to continue, but to continue by embracing all that I am, in a wholeness that brings me closer to the leader and artist I want to be.

- Gina Patterson, 2021 Fellow in Dance, United States

The Bogliasco Foundation serves a fundamental function in the lives of artists and academics. I hope that many more people will have the privilege to experience its magical atmosphere in the years to come.

- Cosetta Seno, 2021 Fellow in Literature – Scholarship, Italy/USA

This unprecedented level of productivity was attributable not only to the quietude and uninterrupted time afforded me by the Foundation, but also to the kind support and encouragement of the other scholars in residence at the time, whose considerable efforts in their own disciplines inspired me to feel as if I could undertake and accomplish anything.

- Claude Baker, 2021 Fellow in Music, United States

Dans ce cadre, la solitude à la table de travail, nourrie du spectacle de la mer et de sa rumeur, ne serait pas aussi stimulante s’il n’y avait les rendez-vous, lors des repas et surtout lors du rituel « cocktail », avec les autres « fellows ». Le fait de pratiquer des arts aussi différents que la chorégraphie, la composition musicale, l’architecture, la peinture, la poésie, l’écriture dramatique, éveille constamment la curiosité, ouvre des champs de réflexion, sans compter la variété des langues pratiquées, heureusement ramenée à deux dénominateurs, l’anglais et l’italien.  

- Michel Sidoroff, 2021 Fellow in Film/Video, France  

My studio at the study center was perfect. Each day I engaged in a physical practice, project-specific movement research, drawing, and book and video study. Daily conversations with my incredible cohort of international fellows during our beautiful meals and walks, augmented by materials I happened upon in the library, fertilized my work in ways I could have never planned.

Gwen Welliver, 2021 Fellow in Dance, United States 

 The silence, the light, and the discrete sounds around the chalet have allowed me to concentrate on my ideas and achieve my goals. I enjoyed the company of my fellows and the various occasions to share my ideas, experiences, and projects. 

- Angelo Sturiale, 2021 Fellow in Visual Arts, Italy

 It is not a psychological therapy, but rather a cultural one. No doubt it is a privilege to be safely “reclused” here, but the privilege mainly consists in having the opportunity to meet other people coming from different places and in sharing with them ideas and artistic projects.

- Giuliana Bendelli, 2021 Fellow in Literature-Scholarship, Italy

Pulling off this residency in a pandemic was akin to a heist, aided by stalwart efforts from the Foundation. But in the end, it was tremendously fruitful: the most idyllic residency I've ever had.

- Nick Brooke, 2021 Aaron Copland Bogliasco Special Fellow in Music, United Kingdom/United States

 Immersed in the quietness of a space where beauty is the main cipher, I felt both protected from and in harmony with the rest of the world. And especially with myself. Bogliasco was my portal.

- Daniela Fargione, 2021 Fellow in Literature-Scholarship, Italy

There was a little bird that came to visit me at sunset every day and that laziness and that light still illuminate my smile every moment I connect with my time spent there. 

- Roberta Vacca, 2021 Fellow in Music, Italy

I found myself captivated by the tranquility, the location, the opportunities to be surrounded by exquisite beauty whilst supported by a unique group of people who are always focused on providing every chance for one to do one’s best work during the residency.

- Richard van Schoor, 2021 Fellow in Music, South Africa/Germany

The view left me speechless.... a seemingly infinite expanse of the ocean was unfolding right in front of my desk. It is the most beautiful composer's studio I've ever been to! Facing this infinity on a daily basis made it easy to concentrate on the music despite these disturbing times of the global pandemic. It is said that natural beauty has a healing effect not only on our minds but our bodies as well.... I did experience the overall sense of wellbeing and hopefulness while creating here... Just to feel deserving of this beauty, you also want to somehow capture and return it to the world in the form of sounds...

- Žibuoklė Martinaitytė, Fall 2020 Fellow in Music, Lithuania

The limitations enforced by the challenging situation had positive counterparts: a strong bond between the few residual Fellows manning the fortress, but also an increased concentration on our individual work. Inspired by the daily consorting with the waves, the pines and the reflections on the water, I was able to write the best part of two chapters, which is much more than my usual productivity. 

- Daniel Ferrer, Fall 2020 Fellow in Literature Scholarship, France

I'm writing to express my deepest gratitude for my Bogliasco fellowship. The time I spent at the Villa dei Pini with a wonderful group of artists and scholars was productive and restorative. I deeply appreciate the efforts that you all made to keep us safe in these critical times.

- Laura Di Bianco, Fall 2020 Fellow in Visual Arts Scholarship, Italy

My time at Bogliasco was invaluable. I progressed in my work on all aspects of the project and was especially helped by two informal showings of the work-in-progress with my fellow residents, as well as with Bogliasco staff members. The feedback and questions I received were engaged and thoughtful and got me to ask new questions and explore different directions in the work. In addition, I found myself experimenting well beyond the bounds of this particular project. I was uncertain before arriving how much the place and setting and culture would affect my work, but it became clear that it was seeping in and changing how I was seeing and thinking and moving. 

- Abigail Levine, Spring 2020 Fellow in Dance, United States

Being at the Study Center at the Bogliasco Foundation was a rare privilege. I benefitted greatly from my time working in the studio, communing with fellows and staff members, and enjoying the beauty and culture of the region.

- Deborah Zlotsky, Spring 2020 Fellow in Visual Arts, United States

I was able to accomplish an insane amount in the brief time that I was in Italy, and I am genuinely surprised that I was able to get so much work done. This uptick in productivity can only be attributed to the energy of Bogliasco, which is the most magical place that I have ever been. The quality of the light, the sound of the sea, the beautiful villas, gardens, food, and people were like an injection of pure optimism straight into my veins. I will carry that feeling with me forever.

- Christopher Stark, Spring 2020 Fellow in Music, United States

The escape from the demands of normal life—meetings, teaching and service obligations, cooking and more— allowed my mind freedom to think. It was the community of artists, writers, composers, choreographers and staff at Bogliasco, which most informed my work and approach to life. Every conversation over breakfast, lunch, aperitivo or dinner provided a new perspective on creative work and life.

Stephanie Pilat, Spring 2020 Fellow in Architecture, United States

I thank all the incredible staff, organizers, and coordinators for this month of recovered forces, infinite silence and unexpected peace, so precious and rare in the struggle of our “ordinary life”.

Arianna Lodeserto, Spring 2020 Fellow in Film/Video, Italy 

The working atmosphere offered by the Bogliasco Foundation is unique. The beauty of the surrounding landscape is as breathtaking as the study center itself. 

Ralf Lüfter, Fall 2019 Fellow in Philosophy, Italy 

The beauty of the surroundings and the ever-changing sea that I could always view through my windows brought a sense of quietude and opening up of mental space that is all a writer needs for inspiration. 

- Bonnie Marranca, Fall 2019 Fellow in Literature, United States

The joy, ease and productivity of this 5-week retreat at Bogliasco was of inestimable value to me personally and to my work. 

Susan Yankowitz, Fall 2019 Fellow in Theater, United States

As much as I felt relaxed and energized by the environment, I am also so grateful for the time and space at Bogliasco to focus fully on those projects. As I look back, the crux of my experience was actually the people that I got to surround myself with. Having each of us coming from various fields made every conversation incredibly interesting. I was inspired to hear a myriad of new perspectives, new information, and life experiences that I can’t even imagine.  

- Takahiro Yamamoto, Fall 2019 Fellow in Dance, Japan/United States

The residency facilitated wide-ranging conversations across genres and modes of criticism and creativity, enabling fulfilling reflection on the broader impact and meaning of humanist scholarship and writing. As I hold active interests in the history of the arts, literary criticism and performance studies, and cultural history, I found daily interactions with artists and writers of various genres to both inspire and inform the development of my ideas and arguments. 

- Neilesh Bose, Fall 2019 Fellow in History, United States/Canada 

It was such a privilege to be there. To be given the time, the space, and the absence of the usual responsibilities in our hectic lives. It is a memory I will cherish.  

- Medrie MacPhee, Fall 2019 Fellow in Visual Arts, United States  

It was truly a perfect setting for me to be able to work on my manuscript, perched in the loft as though in a treehouse in the pines, to explore the mountains in the afternoon and to return to the warmth and fellowship of the team in Bogliasco in the evening.  

- Laurence O’Dwyer, 2019 Van Cleef & Arpels Bogliasco Special Fellow in Poetry, Ireland  

My time at Bogliasco was restorative in the deepest sense of the word. It was solitary. It was collaborative. The conversations on the nature of time, on the nature of language, what constitutes art and political engagement, conversations that often happened over a sleepy breakfast table (a time in which I couldn’t have imagined talking with anyone!) fueled my days and entered my work. 

Donna Masini, Fall 2019 Fellow in Literature, United States

It is not easy to describe things and certain places. Is it because of the constantly changing light of the Ligurian sky and the persistent murmuring of the Mediterranean sea that is so hard to describe my stay at Villa dei Pini? Or maybe the complete being in the moment and eager desire not to loose a second while in Bogliasco makes the memories of the fellowship so vivid and yet so resistant to put into words?

Zuzanna Bulat Silva, Fall 2019 Fellow in Literature-Scholarship, Poland

There was not one or two aspects of the residency that propelled me forward but many, including the great food, the stunning gardens, the amazing views, long and energizing walk, the quiet, creative minds and more.

- Ayad Rahmani, Fall 2019 Fellow in Architecture, United States

The five-week stay gave me one of the most remarkable and unforgettable periods of my life. Daily discussions and the exchange of ideas, even when not intrinsically connected with my work, sparked my enthusiasm and intellectual responsiveness.

William L. Barcham, Fall 2019 Fellow in Visual Arts-Scholarship, United States

But most of all, the weightlessness of Bogliasco is more than these feelings; it is, like all great gifts, an entrenched and rooted sense of belonging to a place, of feeling, like the umbrella pines that bow in the garden, bending ever more to the sea, yet tethered to the place we all shared in love, rooted in our home.

Andy Crank, Fall 2019 Fellow in Literature-Scholarship, United States

To say this was one of the greatest gifts of my lifetime would not be an overstatement.

Jessica Helfand, Fall 2019 Fellow in Design, United States

This place is the best gift to artists I can imagine. Certainly, it was my best ever gift.

Vona Groarke, Fall 2019 Fellow in Literature, Ireland, Van Cleef & Arpels Bogliasco Special Fellow in Poetry

I was also surprised at how powerful it is to spend time among an absolutely terrific group of similarly laboring souls, none of them precisely in my field, and therefore all the more valuable as sounding boards. And the beauty of the place! That in itself is an astonishing gift.

Nancy Princenthal, Fall 2019 Visual Arts Scholarship, United States

The time there was restorative intellectually, physically, spiritually, creatively.

Megan Marshall, Fall 2019 Fellow in Literature, United States, Arthur F. and Alice E. Adams Charitable Foundation Special Fellowship in Literature

The residency gave me a very comfortable and quiet space to concentrate on my work. At all times I felt supported and I never missed anything.

Pablo Martínez Pessi, Fall 2019 Fellow in Film/Video, Uruguay 

My darling fellow fellows, with whom I will always share a bond, galvanized my sense of belonging to a community of beautiful, creative, funny, whip-smart humans...even almost a year after returning home.

Molly Shanahan, Fall 2019 Fellow in Dance, United States